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I bet I can change your mind about grocery store beef in 20 seconds...

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July 15, 2024


I bet I can change your mind about grocery store beef in 2 minutes... The Hidden Cost of Cheap Beef: Why Quality Matters

Listen up, folks. After 40 years of raising cattle, I'm about to drop some truth bombs that'll make you think twice about that shrink-wrapped steak in your shopping cart.

You think you're saving money with that $4.99/lb ground beef? Think again. Here's what you're really paying for:

  1. A product propped up by YOUR tax dollars
  2. Environmental costs swept under the rug
  3. Hidden health expenses that'll hit you later(antibiotics/hormones & more)
  4. A system that's giving the government control of your food

Let's break this down, piece by piece. Brace yourself, because what I'm about to tell you might just flip your world upside down.

The True Cost of Cheap Beef

That cheap beef you're buying? It's a lie. A big, fat, juicy lie. And you're paying for it twice.

Uncle Sam - and by Uncle Sam, I mean YOU - is pumping billions of YOUR tax dollars into the beef industry every year. We're talking feed subsidies, disaster assistance, price supports - the whole enchilada. Without these, that burger you're eating would cost nearly triple.

Here's the real deal:

  1. Feed Subsidies: YOUR tax dollars are pouring into corn and soybean production. Why? To keep your burgers artificially cheap. But at what cost?
  2. Disaster Assistance: When Mother Nature throws a tantrum, guess who foots the bill? You do, through your taxes.
  3. Price Supports: Programs like the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) are basically insurance policies paid for by YOUR tax dollars.
  4. Research Grants: Even the science behind beef production is subsidized. You're paying for that too.

What this all means is that $5 fast-food burger actually costs society about $13 when you factor in all the hidden costs? That's right, you're paying the rest through your taxes, healthcare costs, and environmental degradation.

Here's the kicker: When the government subsidizes food production, they're not just keeping prices low. They're gaining control over what you eat, how it's produced, and who produces it. They're deciding winners and losers in the food industry with YOUR money.

If you're sick of the way their hand in EVERYTHING, it's time to wake up and smell the bull manure. Every time you buy that cheap, subsidized beef, you're voting for more of the same.

But what if I told you there's a better way?

The Local Farm and Ranch Difference

Here's where your local farms and ranches come in. When you support a rancher who foots the bill for all the costs of raising a superior product and charges you a fair price, you're not just buying better beef. You're investing in a better future.

Here's what happens when you buy from local, sustainable ranches:

  1. You cut out the government middleman. No subsidies means no control over your food.
  2. You create local jobs. Your money stays in your community, not in some corporate bigwig's pocket.
  3. You get a superfood. Grass-fed, pasture-raised beef is packed with nutrients that grain-fed beef can't touch.
  4. You heal the planet. Properly managed ranches sequester carbon and promote biodiversity.
  5. You support animal welfare. Compare a cow grazing on open pastures to one crammed in a feedlot. Which would you rather be?
  6. You vote for transparency. When you know your rancher, you know your food.

But here's the real power move: Every pound of locally-produced, sustainable beef you buy is a vote for:

  1. A food system free from government control
  2. A thriving local economy
  3. Superior nutrition for you and your family
  4. Environmental regeneration
  5. Humane animal treatment

The Choice Is Yours

You can keep playing Russian roulette with your family's health, the planet's future, and America's food independence, or you can step up and invest in quality that pays dividends with every bite.

The choice is yours. But remember, you're not just buying dinner. You're casting a vote for the future of food. You're choosing between a system that relies on your tax dollars and gives control to the government, or one that promotes sustainability, transparency, and true food independence.

The Five Mile Beef

If you're in the Southwest and looking for a ranch that embodies all these principles, look no further than Five Mile Beef. They're the only ranch in the Southwest certified in all five categories that matter:

  1. Source certified: Their cattle are actually from their ranch and raised the way they say.
  2. Grass-fed certified: Their cattle only eat grass from their land, nothing else.
  3. CARE certified: They maintain the highest standard of care and stewardship for their animals.
  4. All-Natural certified: Their cows are never fed by-products and never given hormones or antibiotics.
  5. Black-angus certified: Their herd's breed is pure, known for exceptional marbling and efficiency.

Ready to taste the difference and make a real change? Head over to thefivemilebeef.com and see for yourself.

Don't settle for less. Your taste buds, your health, your conscience, and your wallet will thank you in the long run.

Because at the end of the day, the cheapest meat isn't always the best deal. Sometimes, the best value comes at a premium. And when it comes to feeding yourself and your family, shaping the future of America's food system, and supporting your local community, isn't that worth it?

Make the switch to local, sustainable beef today. Your future self - and your country - will thank you.

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